This is an industry with a learning curve; and in which things change, as our experiences, knowledge and networking change and assist us.
- Be a critic. You should be. There are too many scams out there.
- Listen, but don't own something unless you are one degree away from it. There are too many rumors!
- Keep an open mind. One way is not THE WAY. Not in this industry.
- Pictures say 1,000 words, for the moment they are taken, and from whatever perspective desires to be conveyed through them.
- Think big picture. Tunnel vision has it's downfalls...
- Stay open to feedback, but in the end, know your way and move ahead in it with confidence.
- Keep your emotions in check. This is a life-threatening disease, so try to not hand over even a DOLLAR until you see and sign a CONTRACT.
- Don't be offended by the truth when you read or hear it.
- Beware of the "D.A.D know it all's," -The ones who always have something to say...the ones who always refute what is said, the ones who have been burned, ripped off, "scammed"...
I only know that last one listed just now because I was one. I wanted to SHARE, educate, help with awareness. There's strength and a weakness in that... especially if I'm WRONG (sp? What's that word mean, exactly? -jk)
Read from everyplace, but don't take any one perspective as gospel. Be smart, do what makes SENSE.
How to not end up with an expensive pet click HERE
How do I avoid a scam? What is a scam, anyways?
- Your organization does not follow up training after giving you your dog... = "I got scammed."
- You did not receive a contract ever, never, no where. = "I got scammed."
- Through research you discover nothing really makes any dog trainer more "certified" than the next, and your DADs don't even require registration/certification, NOT EVEN THEIR VESTS!= "I got scammed."
- You thought getting a DAD was a certain thing, come to experience it's another... = "I got scammed."
Let me reassure you, there are high functioning, quality organizations that have done ALL OF THE ABOVE, and continue producing DADs and happy clients. They are tooting their horn and have their happy clients singing their praises again and again all over social media.
The above from article "you have permission to get scammed" click HERE.

Have patience. I know you want a cure, but a dog is added management, that poops and eats and needs attention. No where close to a cure. Life saving? Maybe. Be careful of your expectations. Dogs are reliable but they miss moments, they make mistakes; just like we do. D.AD.s are dogs, too.
Above all, you must eventually be the dog trainer, as you will be the handler. Your DAD is only gonna be as good as you are.
My best to you. Keep me posted in comments!