Thursday, August 21, 2014

3 ways you become unpopular in the DAD industry...

There are 3 easy ways to get yourself "unliked" in the DAD world. These points below can lean toward being positive and/or negative.
    1. Say something bold
    Each person has their unique personality, some bolder than others. Sometimes a bold person can come across like a bully; so outspoken and blatant, that other personalities fear to disagree or challenge their statements. Usually that bold person is just a confident extrovert; unless their FB timeline is filled with vague "hater posts." Then Houston, you do have a problem...How such a person handles an open challenge is true to the heart of their being.
          2. Go against what seems popular
    If you go decide to take the road less taken, or carve your own path, that can seem threatening and/or competitive to some. You may be considered ignorant and/or incapable. In contrast, you may create a cheering squad and fan clan. Go you. Be your own boss, but stay humble, please. Keep an open mind to listen and learn from experienced sources. Even if you don't fully agree. Ears and eyes benefit from staying open.
          2b. Cult mentality "It's my way or the highway" Lines are drawn, camaraderie ends.
           3. Slander someone 
    Through the process of discovering "our way" of getting a DAD, I probably did all 3 of these points along the way. Mostly in private, because I knew to keep my cool in "public". Slander is damaging and influencing. Because our family chose to withdraw all of our funds from a DAD organization, slander came OUR way. Despite my feelings, I did not publicly return the favor by name-calling and "out-ing" via social media.
    Difficult people are in our lives; and you are someone's difficult person. It's ok, we all are. I certainly am. What is perspective without some difficult person chiming in? It's not reality to surround yourself with just friends who hang on your every opinion coz they think you are so much alike...You may not agree on politics or religion, but you can learn from difficult people about DADs, if gracious enough to listen.
    Dangerous people are not welcome in our lives. Boundaries need to be in place & they must go.
The truth of the ugly is that service dog ownership is fought for in court, and trainers (even with good reason) have been known to "take back" DADs that do not perform their job properly... Anything goes because this is an unregulated industry. So be smart in your journey. Survival tips HERE

If you listen carefully, there's really only one voice that matters. It's yours. What are you saying? Is it lifting up the industry or tearing it down? Do you know FIRST HAND of what you speak and share? Are you open to 
  1. Being bold with grace and taking responsibility when wrong
  2. Keeping it classy when you pave your own road 
  3. Watching what you vague-book, and to whom you share personal details with...
  4. Kindly managing your difficult people, while eliminating the dangerous ones?
In the US alone, type 1's are merely 8.3% of the population. I would imagine just about 1% of us have diabetic alert dogs.  We are going to find one another. We will network and come across each other more often than not. 
                Try to not burn any bridges- you never know who you may learn from in the process!

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